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Jibriel Holloway
Mar 8, 20217 min read
Why Feminism is a Hate Movement
So... why do people call them feminazis? Click the title to find out.

Jibriel Holloway
Dec 27, 20195 min read
Are Men Obligated to Die for Everyone Else?
Men are taught from childhood that they have to sacrifice themselves for others. Have you ever stopped to think about that mentality?

Jibriel Holloway
Jul 29, 20193 min read
Are You Sure You're MGTOW?
Too many men claim the label of MGTOW without understanding it. Of course, those guys are the loudest and screw it up for everyone else.

Jibriel Holloway
Jan 2, 20192 min read
Do You Have a Childlike Imagination?
Who are you to quit and deny the world your gifts just because someone else told you that you can't do something?

Jibriel Holloway
Dec 11, 20185 min read
How to Overcome Red Pill Rage -- The Right Way
Red pill rage goes from reasonable to whiny real quick if you're not growing from what you've learned. Here's how I got through that phase.

Jibriel Holloway
Dec 3, 20185 min read
Why is it Cool to Idolize Abusive Women?
Male celebrity hits a woman: fans and media never let it go. Female celebrity hits a man: she remains celebrated as a role model for kids.

Jibriel Holloway
Nov 19, 20184 min read
How International Men's Day Affects Your Loved Ones
For those who think that all men have it made, here are 19 reasons this day is meant to help your sons, brothers, fathers, etc.

Jibriel Holloway
Sep 9, 20183 min read
I Shouldn't Have Ignored the Signs
Here's a true story of what happens when you ignore the red flags of a toxic relationship.

Jibriel Holloway
Sep 4, 20185 min read
A Man's Work is Underappreciated
A powerful reminder of what the working man is worth. Hint: without him, society would have nothing.

Jibriel Holloway
Sep 1, 20187 min read
Life Without You
As we all know, suicide is a major issue for men and boys. Some of you think that you're worthless. That no one cares about you. The fol
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